Tender For execution of all enabling works and services such as civil works including site clearance, site grading, dismantling construction of store, construction power, area illumination, construction water etc., required for cob-12 site of sail-isp burnpur
Tender For dismantling of existing porcelain lightening arrestors, surge counters, cvts, acsr conductor, supporting porcelain insulators, supporting structures, complete form line side insulator to takeoff tower for 66kv shimoga bhadra lines 1, 66kv shimoga bhadra lines 2 and lh transmission lines.2)2)supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 3 nos. of 66kv transmission line equipments like cvts, polymeric lightening arrestors with surge counters, supporting polymeric insulator stacks, lynx acsr conductor, clamps, connectors, structure etc. complete from line side isolator to take off tower of 66kv transmission line equipments from line side isolator to take off tower at bhadra generating station.3.dismantling of existing 72.5kv, 0.5cl current transformers, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 0.2 class, 72.5kv current transformers for 12mw river bed units 1 and 2 at bgs.4.supply of essential spare 04 nos. of 66kv polymeric insulator stack and 01 no. of 0.2cl 72.5kv current transformer.5.jungle clearance along the lines wherever necessary.6.the scope also includes testing at works before dispatch, pre-commissioning and commissioning tests at site and the performance guarantee tests in respect of 72.5kv cts, 60kv las, 72.5kv cvts required for bhadra generating station.7.the scope of supply shall include all accessories, marshalling box, terminal connectors, wedges, clamps, supporting structure etc., which are necessary for assembly and erection of ct, cvt & la.8.modifications required for foundation and support structures to erect newly supplied cts, cvts and las shall be carried out by contractor at no extra cost.
Tender For construction of compound wall periphery of plot boundary with main gate & wicket gate site clearance at dumping site at dhrangadhra nagar palika. (second attempt)
Tender For site clearance of all pump house premises including construction of sluice valve chamber of kanksa zone 1, kanksa zone a, b, c d of kanksa block under rcfa division-i phe dte.